Back To The Well

In stu­dio the oth­er day, my col­league Hali­na Stein­er dropped off a copy of the lat­est Kerb jour­nal, fea­tur­ing our col­lab­o­ra­tive fic­tion, The Voice of the Ogal­lala.” We put togeth­er Hali­na’s deep water sys­tems exper­tise and my own typ­i­cal hang-ups: record cov­ers, sticky notes, parei­do­lia, and lit­tle white lies.

Look­ing through, we find our­selves in excel­lent com­pa­ny, and it does my heart good to see a visu­al iden­ti­ty for land­scape archi­tec­ture that — quite in keep­ing with the issue’s Wild” theme — is sat­u­rat­ed here, dun there, over­crowd­ed in one place and com­i­cal­ly bare in anoth­er. There is no one right way to look at land­scape; but if land­scape does not appear vari­able, you are prob­a­bly look­ing at it the wrong way.

(November 2021)